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InglehurstInfant School

What to do if you're worried about someone

Children's social care


We offer activities and services to help rebuild and strengthen children and young people's resilience.

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Parents have primary responsibility for and are the main influence on their children. Our role is to strengthen parenting capacity, while remaining clear about our duty to safeguard vulnerable children and young people.


Duty and Advice Service

If you have concerns for the health and wellbeing of a child, contact the Duty and Advice Service on 0116 454 1004. 


A social worker will talk to you about your concerns and will advice of any action required.  The service is open 24 hours, 7 days a week, all year. The service is the first point of contact for all new referrals to children's services and will deal with anything that relates to city children.


Please do not email your concerns to any email address provided on this information page.


How to make a referral


In the first instance contact 0116 454 1004 to discuss your concerns.  


You will be expected to provide the following information (where possible):

  • Parents details
  • Home address
  • Ethnic origin
  • Religion
  • Details of any other key agencies involved. 


If a referral is made on behalf of a parent or carer, permission to share their information is required unless doing so would place the child at risk of harm.


Contact us

0116 454 1004
Visit us at Granby Street Customer Service Centre, 91 Granby Street, LE1 6FB

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