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Help your child at home

How can you help your child at home?


Please ask your child about what they have been learning in school, what their favourite subjects are and what fascinating facts they have learnt that day. If your child finds this tricky or is reluctant to share this information remember to look at your child's class Dojo page for photographs and information and talk to them about what you have read and seen. Read or tell your child stories every day, whether that is in English or another home language. 


Your child will bring home two books, one which they should be able to read to you as it will have been carefully selected to include the letter sounds that they already know and one that they have chosen from their class library for you to read to them. If you feel that your child's reading book is too easy or too hard, do discuss this with the child's class teacher as they will be happy to reassess your child to ensure the they are bringing home the most suitable book for them. 


All of the children in years one and two have their own homework book which they are encouraged to complete at home and bring into school to share. At Inglehurst Infant School we recognise that the children learn, not just in school, but at home as well and we want to celebrate this.  Each half term, the teachers in Years one and two will send home a suggestion sheet of home learning ideas linked to the topic being covered at school, however any area of interest can be explored.


There is no one way of a child recording their home learning. Paintings, drawings, collage, writing and computer generated work are all appropriate.  Tickets and mementoes of places visited could also be included as well as photographs. These could even have been taken by the child. You may also want to upload a photograph or video of your child learning at home to their portfolio on Class Dojo. Teachers will share and celebrate children's home learning as well as awarding class dojo points to encourage them for their efforts. 

Useful websites for learning

Please ensure all internet use is supervised.  If you have a problem with the link, copy and paste it into your browser.

Useful websites for Maths   Online maths games.  Includes ideas for activities to do at home.  This has a daily maths lesson for children. Online games and lessons.  A good programme to help young children to learn about different mathematical ideas.  KS1 maths topics while exercising.

Useful websites for Literacy

Online phonics games. For reception children click on phase 2 or 3.  For year 1 and 2 children click on phase 3,4 or 5.  Phonics and sight word games.  Lots of stories for children to listen to - Stories are a fantastic way to help children to learn!  eBooks to read at home for KS1.  Speak to your class teacher for log-on details  Lots of stories to listen to.  KS1 English topics while exercising. Lots of stories to listen to.

Other useful websites   BBC daily lessons for home learning  Lots of ideas for home learning and fun activities.   Daily Maths, English and foundation subject lessons for Reception - Year 10   Family Learning  Britannica School - primary aged online encyclopaedia.  Speak to your class teacher for log-on details  Online music and movement activities.  Learn simple phrases in French and Spanish while exercising.  KS1 Geography video lessons.  KS1 History video lessons.  KS1 Music video lessons.  KS1 PSHE video lessons.  KS1 Science video lessons.  Songs and activities. Enjoy singing some of the songs from our school assemblies.

Special educational needs  Help children with SEND continue their education during coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for parents and carers looking after children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)  BBC Bitesize parents' SEND toolkit 

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