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InglehurstInfant School

The Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section.

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


Our School Governors


Information and details about our school governors can be found below.

Governors can be contacted via the school office.


Information About School Governors


Governors are volunteers who work in partnership with the Head teacher and staff. They are involved in setting school policy and make regular visits to observe the activities of the school. They are appointed for a period of up to 4 years, although they can be re-appointed if they are interested in continuing. They meet, as a Governing Body, twice a term, and also take part in committees which meet at least once a term. Some Governors are parents. Elections are held whenever there is a vacancy and all parents are entitled to vote. The LA appoints a Governor, one is appointed by the staff and the Head teacher is automatically a Governor. The remaining places are given to people appointed by the Governing Body.


Inglehurst Infant School - Governing Body.


Robert Johnson - Co-opted Governor.   Chair of the Governing Body                              

Kerry Pochin - Headteacher                                  

Carol Browne - Co-opted Governor              

Jenny Wilson - Co-opted Governor

Danielle McPhillips - Staff governor

James Stevenson - Parent Governor

Paris Mitchell - Parent Governor         

Natalie Tegala- Patel (non voting) - Clerk to the Governing Body.

Register of Interests & Attendance

Governor Board Information 2023/2024

NameGovernor TypeAppointment/Term of OfficePositionRegister of Interests
Robert JohnsonLocal Governor

07/07/2023 - 30/06/2027

Chair of 


Son employed at the school and wife

volunteers at school

Jennifer WilsonLocal Governor01/07/2023 - 30/06/2027 

Local registered child minder and many

children attend the school and her provision

Carol BrowneLocal Governor01/07/2023 - 30/06/2027Vice-ChairGovernor at Merrydale Infant School
James StevensonParent Governor01/09/2023 - 30/06/2027 None
Paris MitchellParent Governor01/04/2023 - 30/06/2027 None
Danielle McPhillipsStaff Governor01/07/2023 - 30/06/2027 Employee
Kerry PochinHeadteacherEx-officio Employee


Governor Attendance 2022/2023


05/07/2023 (ALT)

Carol Browne


Rob Johnson


Jennifer Wilson




Monique Braithwaite


Danielle McPhillips


Kerry Pochin


As a maintained school (September-June) 2022-2023

Governor Information
NameGovernor Type*

Term of Office

ends/Resigned (R)

PositionRegister of Interests

Full Governing Body

Meetings Attendance 2022/23

Performance & Standards

Attendance 2022/2023

Resource Management

Attendance 2022/2023

Robert JohnsonCo-opted




Chair of GovernorsSon is employed at the school and his wife volunteers at the school2/22/22/2
Jennifer WilsonCo-opted




 Related through marriage to DW2/21/1 
Carol BrowneCo-opted




Vice-ChairGovernor at Merrydale Infant School2/22/22/2
Jolanta ObszynskaCo-opted




Vice-ChairNone2/2 2/2
Davina WilsonParent




 Runs a voluntary mini music group at the school. Related through marriage to JW1/2  
Monique BraithwaiteParent




Danielle McPhillipsStaff




Kerry PochinHeadteacherEx-officio Employee2/22/22/2

* Co-opted Governors are appointed by the governing body, Authority governors are appointed by the Local Authority, parent governors are elected by the parent body and staff governors are elected by the staff body of the school

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