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InglehurstInfant School


At Inglehurst Infant School, we are committed to supporting children who join us with little or no English. During their admission, they will complete forms with the office team and receive a tour of the school. This is when we gather any relevant information to help the child acclimate to school life.



When a new child arrives, they will participate in daily activities as they adjust to their new environment. It’s common for a child not to speak for a few weeks as they settle in and make friends. During this period, they will listen and absorb the language, which may take up to 6 months for some children as they become comfortable speaking in public.


We provide support through various methods, including modelling good language, peer support (possibly with someone who speaks the same language), writing frames, key visuals, and pre-teaching vocabulary.


Additionally, some children may benefit from short-term speaking and listening interventions focused on basic language skills through games and role play. These interventions should be recorded, monitored and tracked on our provision map.

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