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InglehurstInfant School


If you would like your child to attend our school, please see the details of our admission arrangements below.


Nursery Places


The school does its own admissions into the Nursery (sometimes called F1) classes (for children who will turn 4 during that school year). This is for  every morning, every afternoon, or both (for families eligible for 30 hours).  


Please call the school for details or visit the school reception to complete an application form, we will require the child's full birth certificate to admit.


If the Nursery places are full then the school will allocate places on the waiting list based on the priorities criteria that the local authority admissions use for older children.


Admission to Nursery does not mean that the child will necessarily have a place the following year in Reception.




All children in Nursery will need to apply via the Local Authority to move up to Reception year at this school. If you wish to apply for a full-time place for your child at Inglehurst Infant School then you need to submit an online application with the Local Authority Leicester City Council admissions. They will then write to you to let you know which School your child has been allocated to. You may be placed on a waiting list or allocated another school if your child’s year group is already full, you can appeal this decision here: LCC Appeals



.To apply online for a place and for more details, please visit the Leicester City Council website here.


If your child’s fifth birthday falls between 1 April and 31 August, you have the option to request that your child starts in reception a year later.  For more information on how to do this, please click on the following link: Summer Born Children


In-Year Admissions

For those with children starting later in the school year for whatever reason, you will need to register with the Local Authority who will allocate a school place for you, you can do this via the following link: In-Year Admissions

If you have any questions about admissions, please contact the School Office.



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