Safer Recruitment
(Recruitment, selection and pre-employment vetting)
Inglehurst Infant School creates a culture of safe recruitment and, as part of that, adopts the LA Recruitment & Selection Policy that helps deter, reject or identify people who might abuse children from working in any capacity at, or visiting the school.
It is the responsibility of our Governing body and Senior Leadership Team to:
- Ensure the school has effective policies and procedures in place for recruitment of all staff and volunteers in accordance with KCSIE 2024 and legal requirements.
- Monitor the School’s compliance with them.
- Ensure that the school operates safe recruitment procedures and makes sure all appropriate checks are carried out on all staff and volunteers who work at the school including online searches as part of due diligence (shortlisted candidates will be made aware of all checks carried out).
- To monitor contractors’ and agencies’ compliance with this document.
- Promote welfare of children and young people at every stage of the procedure.
- Attend training in Safer Recruitment which is regularly updated.
This is based on checks and evidence such as:
- Criminal record checks (DBS checks) for staff & volunteers that engage in regulated activity / unsupervised contact with children.
- Barred List checks
- Teacher Prohibition checks
- References, employment history and interview information
- Professional Qualification evidence
- Identity verification (Eg.Passport, driving licence, Birth Certificate, address confirmation)
- Mental & Physical fitness to carry out their work (Interview & pre-employment declaration of health)
- Right to Work in the UK verification
Schools keep a Single Central Record (SCR) as a register of information of all the above checks on staff and volunteers. This document is scrutinised & checked termly, annually externally and during an Ofsted inspection.
Contractors, Coaches and other visitors on the school site are checked according to the level of contact (unsupervised, supervised) contact with children.