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InglehurstInfant School



At Inglehurst Infant School, we provide a science curriculum that immerses pupils in learning that is memorable, engaging and meaningful. The science curriculum enables pupils to acquire and develop the knowledge, skills and vocabulary they need to be successful scientists. our science curriculum will enable the children to develop, apply and embed their skills through linked topic learning, building on what they already know and can do.


We aim to enable the children to:

  • Develop an enquiring mind and a scientific approach
  • Develop an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science
  • Develop independent learning skills
  • Plan and carry out scientific investigations
  • Develop investigative skills
  • Work together to collect evidence to help them answer questions
  • Evaluate evidence and consider a test is fair
  • Develop a range of approaches to communicate ideas 
  • Use scientific technical terminology and specialist vocabulary
  • Learn scientific knowledge needed to understand the used and implications of science today and for the future


Our children begin their science experience in foundation stage with informal investigations within continuous provision and guided sessions. Teachers facilitate children's curiosity with open-ended questions and clearly thought out learning experiences, which are both child and adult led. In KS1, children continue to build on their scientific knowledge with more formal science lessons where they are taught to use a variety of practical scientific methods, processes and skills.


Our investigative science will encourage children to ask important questions about how things work and why things happen in a certain way. Ultimately, this will help all children to understand the world they are growing up in and provide them with life skills to better access it as well as becoming creative thinkers and adults who strive to seek solutions to problems and answers to life's questions.


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