Early Help
Everyone needs help at one time or another.
If you would like some advice, support or suggestions, come and speak to your child's class teacher. Sometimes, this conversation can make a big difference.
We have our own Family Support Worker, Edwina Osborne, who maybe able to support you further.
We may then support you with an Early Help Assessment (EHA).
The 'Thresholds for access to services' document is the local model to assist all those whose work brings them into contact with children, young people and their families to identify the level of help and protection required to ensure children grow up in circumstances that achieve their best outcomes.
The framework can also assist the Head Teacher and other colleagues in school to identify where they can work individually with families and where it may be better to co-ordinate their efforts with other agencies.
Promoting children’s welfare is most effective when they receive help early and at a level according to their needs. The aim is to provide early interventions for children, young people and families that require support to prevent them moving towards higher levels of need, and to reduce the levels of need once these have been identified.
This guidance is designed to help identify when a threshold or trigger has been reached, indicating when a child or family might need safeguarding and protection and then to identify where best to get this support from.
This guidance is for practitioners in all agencies who have direct or indirect contact with children, young people and their families in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Using the guidance will help practitioners and managers to identify the support that a child, young person or family might need and how best this support can be provided.
The needs of children and young people and their families should be considered on a case by case basis. Responses should be based on robust assessment, sound professional judgment and, where appropriate, statutory guidance.
Professionals should also take account of the available resources, local priorities, agency and national policy guidance.
This document applies to all practitioners, managers and organisations across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.