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InglehurstInfant School

Vision and Values

Our Vision and Values 


At Inglehurst Infant School we believe that a confident, happy, healthy, child is a successful one. We are committed to providing a positive, safe and stimulating environment for children to learn, where all are valued. Our intention is that all children should enjoy their learning, achieve their potential and become thoughtful, independent, life-long learners. 


Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which allows our pupils to succeed and thrive.  


As a school we have identified six core values.  Every half term we focus on one of these values and develop children's understanding through stories, songs and classroom practice so that they become embedded in everyday life.


The values that we have identified as being important to us are:



We take care of people, places and things

We listen to others and respond thoughtfully

We are listened to and given a voice

We use good manners

We treat everyone fairly

We seek to understand different points of view



We are kind and helpful

We include others and make sure that no-one is left out

We cooperate and work as a team

We encourage and support one another



We try new things

We accept challenges

We are not afraid to make mistakes

We are honest and take responsibility for our actions



We keep ourselves and each other safe

We make healthy choices

We notice our own and others feelings

We tell someone if we need help



We try our best

We work hard to achieve our goals

We are resilient and bounce back if things go wrong

We persevere when things get tough



We are proud to represent our classes and our school

We take pleasure in our achievements and those of others







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